Parent Representatives
Parent representatives meet 3 times a year to talk about how the parents of Manor Mead (Shepperton and Virginia Water sites) and Walton Leigh School can work together and how communication to all parents can be as beneficial as possible, so that all families can benefit from the opportunities on offer. In order to achieve this, there is a chance to discuss joint projects as well as opportunities for parents to suggest events, reflect on how events have gone and join in with the planning events if they wish to.
We welcome parents/carers from Manor Mead Shepperton, Virginia Water and Walton Leigh to consider joining our existing group. No previous experience is necessary – just a willingness to come along to our meetings and share your ideas and suggestions! We would really value input from any parent who would like to come along and hearing from parents of children who in Early Years would be very much appreciated. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact your Home School Link worker.
If you would like to join the closed Facebook group for Manor Mead parents and carers, please give your email address to the office staff. You will then be sent an invitation to join the group.
Our current reps are as follows:
Emily Hazell | Manor Mead Shepperton
Linsey Meredith | Walton Leigh
Ali Sandhu | Manor Mead Shepperton
Tinci Singh | Manor Mead Shepperton
Gemma Morgan | Walton Leigh
Louisa Kean | Manor Mead Shepperton
Magda Folan | Manor Mead Shepperton
Jo Grimshaw | Walton Leigh
Vicky Little | Manor Mead Virginia Water