Transition and Next Steps Policy
- Reviewed: January 2024
- Review period: Annual
- Review date: January 2025
We believe that that “a career is… the individual’s journey through life, learning and work” and that “career guidance supports individuals and groups to discover more about work, leisure and learning, to consider their place in the world and to plan for their futures”.*
We place the individual needs of each learner at the centre of all learning and experiences. This is reflected in this, our Transition and Next Steps policy, which has been developed to meet the specific needs of all our young people. We follow the government careers strategy and statutory guidance whilst making sure we prepare our students for their futures which may include work, further education, accessing community facilities and day or residential services.
Information about transitions/ next steps for parents is available from our HSLW Cheryl Andreozzi 01932223243
For offsite provision including college link courses, work experience and curriculum queries contact our Learning in the Community Coordinator Daniela Descamps 01932223243
Our curriculum guidance together with end points for Daily Living Skills & Work Related learning is available for our stakeholders and the wider community on our website in the Transition/ Next Steps section and is available to all staff on the staff drive.
From Year 7, all young people and their families will receive transition advice and support about their next steps (KS5 and beyond).
From Year 11, all young people and their families will receive careers advice and support that:
- is impartial
- includes information on a range of pathways
- is adapted to the needs of the individual
We will monitor performance by carrying out appropriate evaluations within the school community by asking for feedback from parents, carers, our young people, teachers and employers in order to evaluate and improve our careers and transition process. Where possible, we will collect data from leavers for at least 3 years in order to track destinations and outcomes.
Gatsby Benchmarks
The government’s statutory careers strategy states that every school providing secondary
education should use the Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Benchmarks to develop and improve their careers provision. The Benchmarks are not statutory but are advised and government statutory guidance has been restructured around these Benchmarks.
Our careers and transition programme follows the recommendations outlined in the Gatsby
Benchmarks. We aim to meet these in full and use the SEND toolkit to ensure provision for our young people aligns with the high standards of personal provision outlined in our curriculum.
* Tristram Hooley ‘Career Guidance- A Global Movement’ Director of Research, The Careers & Enterprise Company,
Professor of Career Education, University of Derby / Professor II, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences