GSO Test

GSO Test

Pupil Premium

The pupil premium is additional funding available to schools maintained by the local authority, to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers.

Pupil Premium strategy statement Manor Mead School 2024-2025

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name

Manor Mead

Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)

2022/2023 to


Date this statement was published

October 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

July 2025

Statement authorised by

Mark Bryant

Executive Headteacher

Pupil premium lead

Becki Wright  (Shepperton)

Claudette Sims (Virginia Water)

Governor / Trustee lead

Elizabeth Wood-Dow

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

We will use pupil premium funding to help us achieve and sustain positive outcomes for our most disadvantaged pupils and their families. Considering their SEND, socio-economic disadvantage is not always the primary challenge our pupils face, however in our experience socio-economic factors can often impact on our pupils when compared to their peer, particularly in terms of their family situation, emotional regulation, safeguarding, welfare and wellbeing.

We will provide support for pupils and their families through our Home School Link Workers support families to develop a positive, nurturing and supportive home environment from which our pupils will benefit.

Although our strategy is focused on the needs of our most disadvantaged pupils, it will benefit all pupils in our school where funding is spent on whole-school approaches. Implicit in the intended outcomes detailed below, is the intention that outcomes for non-disadvantaged pupils will improve alongside those of their disadvantaged peers.


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


People living in families with disabled children are more than twice as likely to be living in poverty than those in families where no-one was Disabled (Dept of Work and Pensions report Jan 2024). In addition, 53% of families claim that having a disabled child causes some / major relationship difficulties or breakups (source: About Families), which is considerably higher that the population in general, suggesting that there could be a link between being an additional needs parent, levels of poverty and family breakup.


Our assessments, observations and discussions with pupils and their families show that disadvantaged pupils often have more complex family situations which impacts on their emotional and mental health and often proves a significant barrier to engagement, learning and positive wellbeing.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Pupils benefit from a positive home environment within a family that benefits from access to appropriate support, services, advice and information

  • Families and parents access the support they need and are entitled to
  • Families and parents benefit from a range of information, advice and guidance

Activity in this academic year 2024-25

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium this academic year to address the challenges listed above. 

Focus 1:  Pupils benefit from a positive home environment within a family that benefits from access to appropriate support, services, advice and information

Focus 2: Pupils are happy and engaged in all aspects of the school day in a calm and positive manner Improved emotional wellbeing and mental health


Budgeted cost: £71,380

Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Home School Link Worker hours

People living in families with disabled children are more than twice as likely to be living in poverty than those in families where no-one was Disabled (Dept of Work and Pensions report Jan 2024). In addition, 53% of families claim that having a disabled child causes some/major relationship difficulties or breakups (source: About Families), which is considerably higher that the population in general, suggesting that there could be a link between being an additional needs parent, levels of poverty and family breakup 


Home School Link Worker hours

Our assessments, observations and discussions with pupils and their families show that disadvantaged pupils often have more complex family situations which impacts on their emotional and mental health and often proves a significant barrier to engagement, learning and wellbeing


Total budgeted cost: £71,380


Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2023 to 2024 academic year.

Manor Mead School Pupil Premium 2023-2024

Total money allocated £66,905

At Manor Mead Shepperton this money was spent on:

Additional Teaching time £3,750

Examples of Impact:

  • School data shows Outstanding progress for all pupils in the four Key Areas. 
  • ILP data for the academic year 2023-2024 shows the progress of children who access Pupil Progress support to be in line with their peers and the rest of the school. 

Click here to see a case study 


Music Therapy - £2,380

Examples of Impact: 

  • Attendance figures are in line with comparisons to other schools with similar cohorts of children. 
  • On-line use of Behaviour Support program and class records show a significant decline in challenges and incidents over the course of the spring and summer terms. 

Click here to see a case study


Play Therapy - £5,812

Examples of Impact: 

  • Attendance figures are in line with comparisons to other schools with similar cohorts of children. 
  • On-line use of Behaviour Support program and class records show a significant decline in challenges and incidents over the course of the spring and summer terms. 

Click here to see a case study 


Home School Link Worker £27,318

The Home-School Link Worker is available to support all families. The HSLW either works directly or has contact with all the families on the identified list of ‘disadvantaged’ pupils.

Examples of impact:

  • Parents have been able to arrange activities for their children as a result of the information sent out by the HSLW about Short Breaks, Playschemes, clubs in their area
  • Parents have successfully applied for allowances as the HSLW has helped them to complete forms and provided supplementary information and letters
  • There has been improved engagement with Social Care and other agencies for some families as the HSLW has attended meetings to support them
  • Supporting vulnerable families to enable them to access provisions and services they are entitled to.

Click here to see a case study


At Manor Mead Virginia Water money was spent on:

Dramatherapy - £10,920

Examples of Impact:

  • Pupils play and interaction skills improved. Individual pupils had more positive interactions with peers, building positive relationships. The development of interaction skills improved self-esteem and increased ability to access curriculum and therefore pupil progress demonstrated in successful ILP outcomes

Click here to see a case study 

Learning Space - £5,700

Examples of Impact: 

  • Pupils responded by demonstrating reduced levels of anxiety in the classroom and a calmer approach to accessing learning activities. Pupils were able to join peer learning groups and confidently contribute to discussion and ideas sessions. Pupils progressed increased demonstrated in successful ILP outcomes.

Click here to see a case study 

Play Therapy - £9,750

Examples of Impact: 

  • Pupils responded to Learning Space support by demonstrating reduced levels of anxiety in the classroom and a calmer approach to accessing learning activities. Pupils were able to join peer learning groups and confidently contribute to discussion and ideas sessions.  Pupils progressed increased demonstrated in successful ILP outcomes.

Click here to see a case study 

Home School Link Worker £1,275

The Home-School Link Worker is available to support all families. The HSLW either works directly or has contact with all the families on the identified list of ‘disadvantaged’ pupils.

Examples of impact:

  • Parents have been able to arrange activities for their children as a result of the information sent out by the HSLW about Short Breaks, Playschemes, clubs in their area
  • Parents have successfully applied for allowances as the HSLW has helped them to complete forms and provided supplementary information and letters
  • There has been improved engagement with Social Care and other agencies for some families as the HSLW has attended meetings to support them
  • Supporting vulnerable families to enable them to access provisions and services they are entitled to.

Click here to see a case study

Progress data form 2023-24 showed that Pupil Premium students achieved at the same rate as other students.